On Eating and Killing: Multispecies Entanglements and Implications for Ecology

by Kelly Linton (The University of Western Ontario) kabrams4@uwo.ca  January 15, 2019 It was a late morning in early October. The sun shone brightly and the air was crisp. The kind of autumn day that in southern Ontario, Canada brings to mind chunky knit sweaters and pumpkin spice lattés. The trees had turned and the … Read more

From Mad Cows to Posthumanism

Alan Smart (University of Calgary): “Posthumanism, as I use the term, means the ways in which we are entangled with non-humans, and which expand our capacities (although in other ways they may diminish them, as with disease).  Rather than being a feature of a future that is only now emerging, we have always been posthuman in this sense; indeed, the mastery of fire, cooking, language and other technologies is what made us into humans in the first place.”